Wednesday, January 19, 2011


No, not just chicken, the white meat that I enjoyed for dinner tonight, but really chicken as in the Back to the Future "What's-wrong-McFly-chicken?" type of chicken. I've been avoiding blogging the past couple days because I've convinced myself I-don't-have-enough-to-blog-about. Well today I finally sat my butt down, waited for my laundry and wrote a blog.

Wednesday ride: To further the theme, I played chicken with myself today. I kept trying to make excuses for putting of today's ride. I didn't ride with the team this morning because "i was too tired after giving blood yesterday". Which looking back on in some 18 hours later, is a really crap excuse after committing to going. Finally got my butt in the saddle at Becca's house for a 20 minute spin, trying to focus on a little technique, just holding solid aero and trying to keep my stroke consistent without bouncing. Not too long on the trainer, but tripping sweat by the end of it.

Tuesday ride: Felt like seeing a change of scenery, so I travelled down to San Clemente State Beach, socialized with a couple of the permanent lifeguards down there, had myself a good run with plenty of push ups and sit ups in the sand. The water felt glorious, probably a good 59 degrees. Ran back up to the truck, and heading out for 21 miles, passing through Trestles, San O', the power plant, rode through Trails, and did a little riding on Camp Pendleton's turf. Felt pretty strong, and loved the view of the ocean for most of the ride.

Monday's ride: Just a little solo ride from Becca's house to Jamboree. Nothing too special, just felt like pedalling on mostly flat roads. Feeling like I want to hold a better average mph, hoping to prove to myself I can hold like 22mph as an average by doing 22 or 44 miles in an hour or two. Something to keep looking at, probably will take a little work to get there. Just hoping for fast rides.

Sunday's ride: Today was kind of a joke. To be fair, I woke up with the urge to throw up, and I've been blaming that on the meal I had the night before, which despite the puke I definitely do not regrett. On top of that, I went airsofting today and it just so happens I was lucky and unlucky in the same second. Now, I wear mouth and eye protection, just your normal shooting range glasses and flag football mouth guard, but some how as I advanced from a shrub to another, one of my "enemies" shot a BB round and it happened to pass both my upper and lower teeth, lucky, and struck my in the uvula(the punching bag in the back of your throat), unlucky. Which of course caused me to immediately and violently throw up. So later Sunday, I managed to hop on the trainer and stick it through 15 minutes. Wasn't too please with the amount of time or effort, but for the day that I had and for the recovery I needed from Saturday's hill repeats, I'll take it.

Tomorrow brings Snow Summit with Becca and Courtney, hopefully I'll find time to ride without sitting on the trainer. If I have to be stuck indoors, then I'll just have to put in a solid hour and look forward to a nice long ride on Friday.

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