Monday, January 31, 2011

31 Down. 334 To Go.

So today is January 31st, and after riding tonight, I've ridden 31 days in a row. It actually feels really awesome to be able to continue this, and it's nice to know that I have been able to maintain it for a month straight. So far I guess I've done alright, but I feel like I could be riding better. That's probably just a thought stuck in my head after today, but I felt like I had to write it.

Over the past few bike rides in the street, I've felt pretty damn good. I've been feeling solid on uphills, a little more confident on the downhills (still need more work though), and I've surprised myself on some flats with some solid riding. I think I'll have better things to say by the end of February, but for the first month of 2011 I think it's been a good month.

My thought that I could be better probably just comes from today's spin. I got on my bike in the garage thinking I would get a good ride in, I had some music ready to go, and I felt good as soon as I started pedaling. I started to have problems with my stomach and eventually I had to slow to a stop. Afterward, I've attributed it to eating and riding too close together, kinda  like swimming too soon. It was really upsetting to have to stop in the middle of the ride, especially when I was feeling good and ready to get some work done.

Work tomorrow early in the morning, a few classes, a rush to work in Lake Forest, and then hopefully a solid spin in the garage. Definitely going to get out on the street Wednesday or Thursday, and it's high time for a good cleaning of the bike. With one month behind me and a new one coming tomorrow, I'm excited to keep this resolution up and doubly excited to race in just a couple weeks!

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