Monday, January 3, 2011

Late Start

Today was a collection of speed bumps for me and cycling: waking up later than intended, discovering rain outside, eating a double wrapped burrito at Chipotle, having to head into work this afternoon. So when seven o'clock was getting closer, I started getting anxious about my resolution for this year. Of course, I knew what situation I backed myself into.
Oh yes, my bike stuck in place with my stationary. When comparing all the exercising I've done through my life, this is probably the most boring, even more than chasing the black line in a 25 yard pool. At least with the pool, I'm moving forward. On top of being stuck in place, I'm continually plagued with the thought of: how much longer do I need to spin before I'm satisfied with my workout?

Hopefully my solution today will help with the rainy days of the future: music, stop watch, and a game plan before I hop on. It took a few minutes to figure out what I wanted to do, but here's what I came up with on the fly. The first 3 minutes was just a little warm up, followed by:

5 minutes of finding my favorite gears,

4 times through of: 1 minute climb on the hubs, 2 minutes tempo on the aerobars, 2 minutes holding cadence in relaxed gear

and finally 1 minute climb on the hubs, 3 minutes tempo on the aerobars, and 1 minute sprint in the drops.

Finished with a 5 minute cool down. (38 minutes total)

If I take anything from today, it's that I really, really, really don't want to be stuck on the trainer if I can avoid it. With that in mind, tomorrow will certainly be a immensely better if the weather forecast holds true. Looking forward to another day of cycling.

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